Turn-key Service

From planning to fulfilment, a turn-key service.

Thanks to REBAIOLI S.p.A.’s experience in the energy sector and the high level of specialisation achieved, the company is able to manage and coordinate all the operating work phases: from planning to supplies, laying, service and maintenance. A true and complete “turn-key” service, which the company has been doing successfully for over thirty years. REBAIOLI S.p.A. is completely responsible for the technical-organisation of the contract: this guarantees the client prompt efficiency in carrying out, promptness in assistance and guarantee of one reliable interlocutor.

The technical team and engineers of REBAIOLI S.p.A. efficiently plan the most different and complex installations: aerial and subterranean lines, cabins and substations for the supply of electric power, laying of cable and fibre optics installation for telecommunication, cableways, waterworks, drainage systems, gas pipelines and building works. Thus the company can carry out a series of preliminary technical operations such as staking and the checking thereof, plano-altimeter surveys, checking of sections relative to support and plotting excavations for foundations in all kinds of terrain.

REBAIOLI S.p.A organises the supply of materials as well as the setting up of plants, cables and conductors. They also carry out excavations, laying of foundations, structural steelwork for simple and double circuits, laying and regulation of paired, triple or quadruple conductors and shield wires (traditional or fibre optics). Work is carried out using advance technological instruments, internal fleet of machinery and in compliance with the most rigorous safety standards.

REBAIOLI S.p.A guarantees revision and maintenance services of systems, carried out with efficiency and punctuality. Their emergency service is assured within 36 hours. REBAIOLI S.p.A always responds promptly and they are available for emergency interventions for damages caused by particularly intense weather conditions or external atmospheric agents.